

  • Overview
    The foundation of our investor relations is set in fostering sustainable relationships with our stakeholders, while generating wealth for them. We make certain that our objectives are achieved, that we meticulously conform to all standards and that our progress in business is steered by responsibility, principles and honesty. Thus, we build trust in our partners and establish a sturdy base for the development of our business.

    We are the foremost private commercial bank to institute housing loans, the first to brand a product and establish pawn broking services, customized credit cards and affinity cards. The Bank's Superbrand status and numerous local and international awards have instilled trust in its shareholders.

    In spite of the worldwide economic crisis, and the inflation, high interest rates and financial volatility in Sri Lanka, the Bank reported a good growth curve and creditable performance.
  • Strategic Review Workshop
    Directed by the MD/CEO, the corporate management team appraises the Bank's strategy with regard to the economic playing field. Our Corporate Balance Score Card is reexamined to determine the crucial aspects that create a sustainable environment for shareholders.
  • Strategic Investments
    HNB Assurance PLC

    HNB Assurance was incorporated in 2001 as a 60% owned subsidiary of HNB, to avail the opportunity of promoting bank assurance through the extensive distribution network of HNB. HNB Assurance has over time established itself as an important player in a highly competitive environment. HNB Assurance focusses exclusively on Life Insurance while its fully owned subsidiary HNB General Insurance Limited caters to the General Insurance business.

    Acuity Partners (Pvt) Ltd

    Acuity Partners (Pvt) Ltd is a Joint Venture between HNB PLC and DFCC PLC set up to meet the growing demand for investment banking services in Sri Lanka. Acuity Partners is a fully fledged investment banking group with subsidiaries and joint ventures engaged in Stock Brokering, Primary Dealing, Corporate Finance Advisory Services, Asset Management and Venture Capital.

    HNB Finance PLC

    With the goal of consolidating and growing HNB’s market leadership position in Micro Finance, the Bank acquired 51% of the voting rights in Prime Grameen Pvt Ltd. Now renamed as HNB Finance PLC, the subsidiary is one of the most successful grass roots level micro finance businesses in the Country.