

Our revenue from recycling schemes is re-injected into community advancement ventures

In the belief that cohesion and consistency are the pillars of successful strategic approach to environmental responsibility, HNB has initiated a two pronged environmental responsibility ethics programme in 2009 known as the HNB ‘Green Pledge’. Designed to educate employees of the Bank as well as garner commitment towards the bank all employees have made a pledge to combat climate change. Over the years the Bank has undertaken several projects such as tree planting campaigns, ewaste campaigns and awareness programmes. The Green Pledge also serves as the foundation on which many business practices such as investment in green and energy efficient buildings, 3R policies, responsible sourcing are built around.

Combating Climate Change

By integrating climate change into its business strategy, the Bank has knit climate change mitigation imperatives into its operations, lending portfolio, risk management frameworks, and reporting and disclosures.

Environmental and Social Management System

The Bank’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) provides the policy framework, implementation process and a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the financing extended to our customers are used to set up and fund operations which are economically and socially sustainable, eco friendly and do not harm bio diversity via their outputs in the form of emissions, effluents, waste etc.

Million Tree Stories Project

The Bank partnered with the Rotary Club of District 3220 and the Rotary Club of Ibbagamuwa to plant 1 million trees on the banks of the Deduru Oya.

The Rotary District 3230 through the Rotary Club of Ibbagamuwa will be responsible to plant the trees under the guidance and support of the Department of Sri Lanka Irrigation, Department of Agrarian Services, Road Development Authority, Water Drainage and Development Board and the Provincial Education Department. All saplings would be of indigenous variety such as Kumbuk, Mee, Khohomba, Kos (Jack), Bulu, Karanda and Siyambala. Once a tree has been booked and paid for, the sapling would be planted and geo tagged (process of adding geographical identification to various media such as websites)in the name of the purchaser.