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Maintain deposits of Rs. 10.0 Mn in LKR or Foreign Currency in a Savings or Fixed Deposit

Terms and Conditions

What we offer

Recognition of Benefits

Attractive interest rates on deposits and advances

SMS alerts on credit card and debit card transactions

Competitive rates on foreign currency issuance

A Priority Circle cheque book and debit card

A pre-approved branded credit card with life time annual fee waived off. (*Conditions apply)

Advice and Guidance

A dedicated Relationship Officer to partner with and to build a portfolio to meet your financial goals

Access to share trading advisory services

Access to tax advisory services








Access to Services

Absolute privacy on banking transactions at any of our Priority Centers

Priority service at any of our branches

Access to an extensive ATM network with an exclusive experience

An exclusive e-banking experience

Meeting room facilities at Priority Centers

Access to insurance services

Access to the Travel Concierge service

02 Complimentary Airport Lounge visits per annum & complimentary ‘LoungeKEY’ membership for HNB MasterCard World- Credit card holders.

Click here for more info on Loungekey benefits


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