Issuance of Bank Guarantees

Issuance of Bank Guarantees

Corporate Banking >> Trade Services >> Issuance Of Bank Guarantees
Letters of Guarantee Favouring Beneficiaries Overseas

If you are a business entity operating in Sri Lanka, your requirements for the issuance of Letters of Guarantee favouring beneficiaries overseas can be accommodated, subject to adherence to regulations set forth by the Exchange Control Department of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Please contact the closest HNB customer centre manager or the Financial Institutions Department for further assistance. HNB maintains an island-wide presence with over 249 customer centres, in order to provide you with financial solutions for your business convenience.

Issuance of International Bank Guarantees

HNB, with its worldwide network of correspondent banks, is one of the foremost issuers of Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Advance Payment Guarantees, Retention Bonds and Letters of Guarantee for projects and tenders in Sri Lanka.

You or your Principals overseas may contact us through our worldwide banking network of over 800 correspondent banks for our Guarantee. Furthermore, we will structure your necessities against the acceptable.
Our Strengths

  • Maintaining an expansive global network of 800 banking relationships with Financial Institutions in all six continents.
  • The Bank’s international rating facilitates global recognition as an institution providing financial solutions on par with international standards.
  • An extensive island-wide customer centre network providing financial access to local and overseas project contractors and investors, with convenience for total banking requirements.
  • An experienced and dedicated team to provide information to local and international clients on the issuance of diverse Letters of Guarantee to suit  business needs.
  • Dedicated personnel with expertise to enhance the knowledge base of our customers on regulatory requirements. 

Contact us for more information

Nirmala: 011 532 0639 or 077 318 4217


Issuance of Bank Guarantees

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