Development Banking

Development Banking



We are the pioneer in development banking among Sri Lankan private sector banks, having commenced Development Banking activities with a vision to become the foremost development banking unit among commercial banks in Sri Lanka. HNB has positively contributed towards the economic development of the nation by providing credit and other social banking services.

The Development Banking Division provides services to the Agro finance and Micro finance sectors.

Agro Finance

In 1973, Hatton National Bank PLC commenced agro financing under the title of Agrohope in Debara-ara-wewa a rural agricultural village in the Monaragala District of Sri Lanka and by 1977 started participating in the Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme (CRCS) of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka providing a host of financial services to the agricultural sector.

HNB was recognized by a number of foreign funding agencies - such as the World Bank and ADB since 1979 - who accepted HNB as a participating credit institution for their refinance schemes.

Today, we are involved in promoting rural sector refinance and non-refinance credit lines and provide comprehensive financial service packages to develop the rural economy of Sri Lanka. 
Agro Finance products


Development Credit Scheme

This scheme offers financial assistance for perennial crop cultivation, farm machinery, fisheries, animal husbandry and other income generating agro based development activities. The loan amount and repayment period can be arranged to suit the cash flow of the project, with an attractive fixed or floating interest rate. 

New Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme (NCRCS)

This scheme provides financial assistance of up to Rs.540,000 for the cultivation of short term crops such as paddy, chillies, onions and upcountry vegetables and up to Rs.500,000 at the rate of 7% per annum for nurseries.

Kapruka Ayojana Credit Scheme (Coconut Development)

Under this scheme, up to Rs. 2 million can be provided as loans at the rate of 9% per annum for coconut plantations, intercropping, replanting, nursery development and purchase of farm equipment. 

Commercial Scale Dairy Development Loan Scheme (CSDDL)

For financing dairy and dairy related activities such as purchase of cows, construction of cattle sheds, purchase of dairy processing equipment and storage facilities up to a value of Rs. 25 million, at an interest rate 6% per annum.

Short Term Crop Purchase Loans

To purchase agricultural produce (paddy and other grains). The loan amount can be arranged to suit the cash flow of the project.

Saubagya Loan Scheme

To purchase machinery and equipment for manufacturing, services and agro based industries. Financing up to Rs. 25 million at an interest rate of 9% per annum.

Sri Lanka Agripreneurs Forum


Benefits from SLAF

Sri Lanka Agripreneurs Forum (SLAF) provides HNB customers the following benefits.

  • Joining fee for SLAF waived off for the customers of HNB.
  • Conducting Agro forums on mechanization, smart harvesting and post harvesting.
  • Access to local and global markets.
  • Conducting a series of agriculture related webinars.
  • Assistance in preparation of cultivation budgets, pricing forecasts, setting up businesses or trading offices in overseas countries.
  • Advisory on correct scientific growing methodologies and preparation of project proposals related to agribusinesses.
  • Having access to the SLAF member network to source raw materials, agro-inputs etc. at market rate or any special rates.

For more details -

Corporate Collaborations

To optimize farmer produce, HNB has offered financial services to rural communities beyond mere everyday provisions. HNB has conducted trade fairs in the rural hamlets of Sri Lanka, linking rural communities to tech savvy organizations in order to help their products find wider markets. As we enter a new era, HNB attempts to bring our rural communities to a level where their products will reach international standards and be on par with global goods. While forging links between other agricultural sectors such as paddy, livestock and fisheries, we even go as far as to supply agro-input and advisory services to assist the use of the latest agro technologies. Our assistance then goes even further, providing financial literacy and technical knowhow to the recipients of the schem
Here at HNB, we aim to build a worldwide presence for Sri Lankan products and we’re starting by uplifting our rural sector.

Financial literacy

To develop our customer entrepreneurial skills, a financial literacy programme has been re-launched under the name of Divi Saviya- Denumen Diyanuwata (Strength to Life- Progress Through Knowledge). We provide financial literacy, technology transfer, personal development and even health education to ensure that our participants develop a well- rounded set of skills. The Government and private sector organisations have realized the urgency of this program and lent a hand to make it a success.

Development Banking

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