F.C.M.A (UK), C.G.M.A, F.C.A (Sri Lanka)
Deputy General Manager - Risk / Chief Risk Officer
Attorney at Law, F.C.A., F.I.B., C.P.A., C.I.S.A. (USA), PHD (Aldersgate)
Deputy General Manager - Internal Audit /Chief Internal Auditor
M.B.A. (Colombo), B.Sc. (Colombo), A.C.M.A. (UK), C.G.M.A., A.C.I.
Deputy General Manager - Treasury & Markets
M.B.A. (Manipal), Dip. in Marketing - L.B.S. (Sri Lanka)
Deputy General Manager - Chief Recovery & Rehabilitation Officer
C.F.A. (USA), F.C.M.A.(UK), C.G.M.A., B.B.A. (Colombo)
Deputy General Manager - SME and Micro Finance
B.Sc. (Hons) Info. Systems (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), PGDip. in Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy (University of Bradford, UK), Exec. Ed (Henley Business School – UK, Ashridge Business School – UK, INSEAD and Kellogg School of Mgmt. – USA)
Deputy General Manager - Chief Innovation Officer
Attorney-at-Law (Supreme Court of Sri Lanka) & Notary Public,
LL.M (Sri Lanka)
Deputy General Manager - Chief Legal Officer
A.C.M.A (UK), C.G.M.A., M.B.A. (Colombo), B.Sc. (Colombo)
Head of Wholesale Banking
M.B.A. (Sri J.), M.A.L.S. (Colombo), LL.B (Sri Lanka), Attorney-at-Law, Dip in Marketing (S.L.I.D.A.), Dip in Credit Mgmt. (S.L.I.C.M.), A.M.C.I.P.M.
Assistant General Manager - Services / Chief Employee Experience Officer
F.B.C.S (UK)
Assistant General Manager - Information Technology / Chief Information Officer
M.B.A. (Sri J), A.I.B. (SL), M.C.I.M. (UK), A.I.C.M. (SL)
Head of Retail Banking
M.C.I.M. (UK), M.S.L.I.M, Chartered Marketer, Dip in Marketing (UK)
Assistant General Manager - Network Business
M.B.A. (Sri J), A.I.B. (Sri Lanka)
Assistant General Manager - Operations
M.B.A. - Finance (Australia), C.M.A. (Australia), A.I.B. (Sri Lanka)
Chief Human Resource Officer
M.B.A. - Finance (Colombo), A.I.B (Sri Lanka) AICM (SL)
Assistant General Manager - Project Finance
M.B.A. - Finance (USQ, Australia), F.C.A (Sri Lanka), B.Sc. (Colombo), A.C.S.I. (UK)
Chief Credit Officer
M.B.A. (Sri J), A.C.M.A. (UK), C.G.M.A., B.Sc. (Colombo)
Assistant General Manager - Strategy
M.B.A. (Sri J), M.C.I.M. (UK)
Assistant General Manager - Digital Business
M.B.A. - Finance (USQ, Australia), M.A - Financial Economics (Colombo), B.Sc. (Colombo), A.I.B. (Sri Lanka), Dip. in Int. Trade (IBSL)
Assistant General Manager - Compliance
A.C.A. (Sri Lanka), A.C.M.A (UK), C.G.M.A., B.Sc. Accountancy (Sri J)
Assistant General Manager - Chief Financial Officer
M.B.A (Cardiff - UK), B.Sc. Computer Science (IIC Uni.), C.I.S.S.P (USA), C.I.S.M (USA), C.I.S.A (USA), C.D.P.S.E. (USA)
Assistant General Manager - Information Security / Chief Information Security Officer
Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public
Assistant General Manager (Legal / Board Secretary)
B.Com (Aus), M.AppFin (Aus), CFTP (Aus), SA.Fin (FINSIA), Ex.Edu (Harvard Business School & Oxford Said)
Head of Corporate Banking
M.B.A (Australia)
Head of Custody and Trustee Services