Exchange Rates

Currency Currency Code Buying Rate (LKR) Selling Rate (LKR)
Australian Dollar AUD 185.0875 198.2477
British Pounds GBP 366.0303 378.9604
Canadian Dollar CAD 214.0108 221.7266
Euro EUR 313.7523 325.0727
Indian Rupees INR 3.4399 3.8003
Japanese Yen JPY 1.9215 1.9806
New Zealand Dollar NZD 172.5666 180.2967
Singapore Dollar SGD 213.9290 226.6098
Swiss Francs CHF 323.4267 337.9731
UAE Dirham AED 80.3538 83.6183
US Dollars USD 297.0000 305.0000

Last updated: 2024-04-19

Rates are given on indicative basis for sales and purchases up to USD 1000 or its equivalent only