Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

Currency Currency Code Telegraphic Transfer
Buying Rate (LKR)
Telegraphic Transfer
Selling Rate (LKR)
Australian Dollar AUD 183.2496 193.6680
British Pounds GBP 376.9576 388.5056
Canadian Dollar CAD 202.3844 209.4417
Euro EUR 316.3888 327.2184
Indian Rupees INR 3.2454 3.6057
Japanese Yen JPY 1.9647 2.0203
New Zealand Dollar NZD 166.8776 174.1960
Singapore Dollar SGD 215.4891 228.0222
Swiss Francs CHF 326.3280 340.9174
UAE Dirham AED 78.9837 82.2656
US Dollars USD 292.5000 299.5000

Last updated: 2025-03-17

Rates are given on indicative basis for sales and purchases up to USD 1000 or its equivalent only