OIA - Outward Investment Account by HNB

Outward Investment Account (OIA)

Investment Opportunities

This account enables resident investors to invest in shares of companies incorporated outside Sri Lanka and sovereign bonds issued by foreign governments and governmental organizations.

  • Category 1: Companies other than companies limited by guarantee registered under the companies Act.No.07 of 2007
  • Category 2: Partnerships registered in Sri Lanka
  • Category 3: Individuals resident in Sri Lanka
Category 1 & 2 above could also be permitted to set up and maintain Branch Offices, Liaison Offices, Marketing Offices, Agency Offices, Project Offices, Representative Offices or other similar Offices (could be referred as Overseas Offices) outside the country.



Resident Investors could invest as per the following.

  • Companies listed at the Colombo Stock Exchange - Investment of USD.2,000, 000/- per calendar year
  • Companies which are not listed at the Colombo Stock Exchange - Investment of USD.500, 000/- per calendar year
  • Any partnership registered in SL- Investment of USD.300, 000/- lifetime
  • Individual resident in Sri Lanka - Investment of USD.200, 000/- lifetime

Outward Investment Account (OIA)

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